Hot Sex - 9 Tips to Hot Sex
When it comes to love making, every woman wants to be sure that they are the ultimate sex symbol in their man's eyes. The unfortunate truth however, is that not every woman feels this way. Somewhere along the line, you just lost your... sexiness.
The spark is gone. Or maybe the spark is still there but you feel like things are either getting stale or will soon. The thing about sex and passion is that there is always room for improvement and more respectively. No matter how good or absolutely mind numbingly boring you are in bed, there is room to improve.
It doesn't take surgery nor does it take years of expensive therapy... at least it shouldn't. All it takes is a willingness to learn and the realization that you need to spice things up a little in the bedroom. The following nine tips will get you well on your way to mind boggling, stomach churning, ecstatic sex.
1. Love the naked you
This is perhaps one of the most debilitating factors when it comes to having great sex. You just don't feel sexy enough naked. This could stem from a number of reasons. Maybe you are out of shape and feel a little bit overweight, or maybe you just don't like a certain part of your body or you think your partner doesn't really find you as sexy as he finds that lady on the TV. The reasons are as diverse as the people themselves. But this shouldn't put you down. If you feel you are out of shape, start working out.
Take a stroll every now and then. Research has shown that physically fit women are more likely to have a satisfying sex life than their unfit counterparts. Learn to love your naked body. Tone it up, get a wax, visit the spa and treat yourself to a good make over every so often. The more confident you are with your appearance, the more vivacious you will be in the bedroom. Remember, the fact that you ever got together with you in the first place means that he found you attractive. So never mind the lady on the TV.
2. Communicate
Tell your partner what turns you on. No matter how sordid you think it is, chances are he will appreciate the information. Half the time men are flying blind when it comes to sex, and the fact that no two women are alike makes matters even worse. Tell him what excites you and have him tell you what excites him. It doesn't have to be during sex, although that is encouraged. Have a cordial discussion every now and then and keep the tips memorized for use later.
3. Be spontaneous
The number one passion killer when it comes to sex is predictability. Doing the same boring dog and pony show every few days or months can be mind numbing. Everyone is capable of spontaneity. Don't take too long to think about it, just go with the flow. Men like sex and chances are he will always be ready to go as soon as you are.
4. Do not skip the foreplay
Most men are always raving to go. As a woman, you have to be firm and insistent on foreplay. Kiss a little, stroke your partner, bite them and do a whole lot of groping. One of the best foreplay moves is a sensual Tantric massage. This is simple to learn and connects you with your partner at a much deeper level. You could both take turns massaging each other just before you jump into the main event.
5. Swear off sex for a little while
No, we are not talking about denying him his conjugal rights. What we are saying here is holding off on the actual consummation for a few days to build anticipation. The trick is to continually tease your partner though. Send him dirty texts, wear revealing clothes to bed, touch, kiss and carry out the normal foreplay activities but when it comes to actual penetration, hold off for a night or two. This will drive both of you insane with anticipation and the absolute need for each other will rekindle the same level of passion you had in your honeymoon phase.
6. Do Kegel exercises
You have heard of kegels. These exercises tighten your vaginal muscles making sex much more fun for you and your partner. The muscle that you usually use to try and stop urine midstream is the same muscle you should tighten during Kegel and hold for about ten seconds. Do ten sets a day. The best thing is these exercises can be done anywhere, even when just sat watching TV.
7. Be open minded
Try new things. Try everything at least once. Go online and research new positions and toys to use. This will open your mind to a whole new world of possibilities. Involve your partner and you will both be surprised how much there is about sex you didn't know.
8. Try new environments
So you have covered every bit of your house with your raunchy love making. Now it is time to try new environments. Meet at a hotel or even a parking lot (be warned though, people get arrested for this sort of behavior). The point is, try new unfamiliar places. That feeling of adventure can bring great amounts of sexual pleasure for both partners and will strengthen your mischievous bond to one another.
9. Relax
Stress does strange things to our minds. Research has shown that when a woman is relaxed, he arousal can be more acute. So take time to breathe deeply, maybe attend some yoga classes or do something relaxing together like going for a movie or a dinner date. All this will lead to a heightened sense of arousal when the time comes to go to the bedroom. As we mentioned earlier, it isn't rocket science. Just a little paying attention will do wonders for your sex life.